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/* 这里放置的CSS将影响使用移动版网站的用户 */

/***** 颜色变量 *****/
/** 这部分代码可能造成MediaWiki报错,但对现代浏览器的使用并无影响 **/
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/* 隐藏移动端页面底部的讨论按钮 */
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/* 反转顶栏图标颜色 */
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/* 反转顶栏文本颜色 */
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/* Minerva隐藏Vector元素 */
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/** 引用自萌娘百科 
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/* 隐藏首页和sandbox顶部内容 */首页 .pre-content,首页_sandbox .pre-content {
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/* 隐藏首页和sandbox的编辑按钮 */首页 .edit-page,首页_sandbox .edit-page {
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/* 隐藏首页和sandbox目录 */首页 .toc-mobile,首页_sandbox .toc-mobile {
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/* 缩小显示表格 */
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/* 临时修正section问题 */
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/* 修正结构式讨论在移动设备上无法点击的问题 */
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/* 在页面标题后增加复制URL按钮 */
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/*** 全站灰阶 ***/
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/* Default style for navigation boxes from Wikipedia*/
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/* 'show'/'hide' buttons created dynamically by the CollapsibleTables javascript
 in [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] are styled here so they can be customised. */
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  width: auto;
/* In navboxes, the show/hide button balances the v·d·e links
 from [[Template:Navbar]], so they need to be the same width. */
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/* For display uneditable section */
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/* for IE 8 */
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/* Put numbers in ordered lists */
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.hlist.hnum ol li:before {
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