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有值为“A rug made from peculiar reeds.”的“描述en”属性的所有页面的列表。由于结果过少,也显示邻近值的结果。


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  • 过载打印机  + (A printer that frequently requires repair. Because it's always running at full capacity, it's bound to explode sooner or later.)
  • 餐厅宣传板  + (A promotional board that displays in-store offers. Customers' eyes are quickly drawn to words such as, "Deals," "Recommendations," and "Rewards.")
  • 大号宣传板  + (A promotional board with the mascot of the restaurant. The slogan reads: "Golden Experience.")
  • 曲底高脚咖啡椅  + (A quintessential barstool. Allows you to have that afternoon chat with the popular barista.)
  • 宿舍用枝型衣帽架  + (A rack for Operators of Reserve Op Team A1 to hang clothes. It makes them feel relaxed and at home after missions.)
  • 宿舍用环形衣帽架  + (A rack for Operators of Reserve Op Team A4 to hang clothes. The indoor temperature is still relatively high.)
  • 部落高架床  + (A rainforest tribe-style bed, with a decorated frame. All the plants are alive and will entangle sleeping occupants if not pruned back regularly.)
  • 部落风地毯  + (A rainforest tribe-style carpet. Nobody has the patience to make carpets there, leading to a continuous increase in the price of carpets.)
  • 图腾壶  + (A rainforest tribe-style clay pot. Those who can't work with clay have no right to call themselves a local.)
  • 室内暖炉  + (A rainforest tribe-style heater. It’s actually an oven for grilling food.)
  • 部落风沙发  + (A rainforest tribe-style sofa. Quite uncomfortable because it’s just a piece of wood.)
  • 图腾音响  + (A rainforest tribe-style speaker system. These obsolete sacrificial supplies have been repurposed to something much better.)
  • 部落石柱  + (A rainforest tribe-style stone pillar. The importance of pillars in the rainforest is clearly self-evident.)
  • 部落杂物石墩  + (A rainforest tribe-style stone stand with miscellaneous artifacts on top. Things to eat, things to drink, things to use. Just toss everything over there.)
  • 部落石墙  + (A rainforest tribe-style stone wall. In the rainforest, walls are mere decorations.)
  • 仿古唱片机  + (A record player placed upon a tall, Leithanien-style table. Every soul in Leithania is nourished by this unmatched melody.)
  • 内嵌宽顶灯  + (A rectangular ceiling light. The lighting is soft and will not cause any damage to the exhibits.)
  • 红绸装饰灯  + (A red silken decorative hanging lamp. Its frabic hangs solemnly above the hall, swaying serenely as the breeze blows past.)
  • 莱塔尼亚饮料  + (A refreshing drink popular among Leithaniens. Though the primary purpose of these drinks is to refresh and reinvigorate, imbibing too much is said to cause certain side effects…)
  • 复制版名画  + (A reproduced reddish oil painting. The painting seems to depict the origin of the meal's ingredients.)
  • 机械臂  + (A robotic arm installed inside the workstation. Whitesmith used to dance with it, her steps so fast that even death could not catch her. In the end, she did finally slow down.)
  • 可调节圆凳  + (A round stool ordered by Emperor himself. Can withstand 36 revolutions a second. Even if its occupant gets flung to the far recesses of the room, at least the stool's fine.)
  • 食坊圆凳  + (A round wooden stool commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. New friends and old friends come together, and perhaps leave with a few more friends.)
  • 白色圆凳  + (A round workstation stool. Before Scout, the runner up in the stool racing competition, had a chance to issue another challenge, Logos would never participate in the competition again.)
  • 沙发凳(圆)  + (A round, black sofa stool. When she's not standing atop the chessboard, the queen is but a meaningless carving.)
  • 竹屏风  + (A screen commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Don't need to see or hear it. The rich aroma already has me hooked.)
  • 绿色双人沙发  + (A seat for two at a Healthy Diner. "Comfort is our top priority. Besides, if someone gets it dirty, it's not like I'm the one who has to clean up.")
  • 防爆垃圾桶  + (A seemingly normal trash can. It can effectively prevent accidents caused by experimental errors.)
  • 巡演设备组合  + (A series of devices for the tour show. The devices are already packed, but the players are yet to be seen.)
  • “专业”舞台音响  + (A set of professional stage speakers designed specifically for live shows. The quality is top notch, and the price tag reflects that.)
  • 排练室配件挂板  + (A shelf with various guitar accessories. Stay sharp and remember to rest.)
  • 排练室背带挂板  + (A shelf with various guitar belts displayed on it. Choose a suitable belt for you and your guitar.)
  • 古典陈列柜  + (A showcase displaying all sorts of honors and trophies. A certain training maniac seems to have forgotten to put their shield back.)
  • 题字吊顶(饺子馆)  + (A sign commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. The dough is thin and the stuffing is fragrant, and you'll lose track of how many bowls you've ordered in no time.)
  • 楼层指示牌  + (A sign indicating which floor you're on. It says turn left here for elevators, escalators, and stairs, but this may not be accurate relative to your room.)
  • 金属大床  + (A simple but solid bed. Operators can fully enjoy the view of the ceiling.)
  • 四烛吊灯  + (A simple chandelier inserted with special Originium candles. Easy to control, and can be turned on or off by clapping your hands.)
  • 灰色宽地毯  + (A simple gray carpet. You can put everything on it, even yourself.)
  • 橘色大床  + (A simple orange bed that requires no embellishment.)
  • 橘色简拼办公桌  + (A simple orange desk without drawer.)
  • 简易打印机  + (A simple printer that can print documents.)
  • 夏日收藏柜  + (A simple wooden double shelf with two stools. The shelf is full of summer memories, bringing you back to those festive days.)
  • 工作台  + (A simple workbench, with some experiment supplies strewn across it messily. Mechanist's workbench also doubles as his bed. He once said that sleep and death are one and the same.)
  • 挂式置物架  + (A simple, easily assembled and disassembled rack. There are always people who like to test the load-bearing limits of these things, "forcing" them to be replaced regularly.)
  • 靠垫摇椅  + (A slowly rocking chaise lounge. The traditional aesthetics will eventually yield to industry.)
  • 玉石吊灯(小)  + (A small jade ceiling light. Cheap and affordable. Never lights up a place enough.)
  • “大黑”的新家  + (A small pet house that Vanilla prepared for the Originium slug, Kuro. After going through a lot of bureaucratic red tape, Vanilla finally got permission to raise the slug, so now Kuro can have a home!)
  • 休息室小壁灯  + (A small wall lamp in the mercenary lounge. Remove the lamp and rotate the bulb three times to the right to use it as a makeshift grenade.)
  • 兰赛拉尔小方毯  + (A small, rectangular rug, perfect for wiping your feet.)
  • 原木地板  + (A smooth log floor. When you stand barefoot upon it, you can almost hear the whispers of the mountains.)