- 饰牌《失误》 + (Plaque - Mistakes)
- 饰牌《省略》 + (Plaque - Omitted)
- 饰牌《有序》 + (Plaque - Order)
- 饰牌《坚果》 + (Plaque - Peanuts)
- 饰牌《诺言》 + (Plaque - Promise)
- 饰牌《光芒》 + (Plaque - Ray Of Light)
- 饰牌《认知》 + (Plaque - Recognition)
- 饰牌《抗争》 + (Plaque - Resistance)
- 饰牌《酬劳》 + (Plaque - Reward)
- 饰牌《冷血》 + (Plaque - Ruthless)
- 饰牌《魔咒》 + (Plaque - Spell)
- 饰牌《日落》 + (Plaque - Sunset)
- 饰牌《骑行》 + (Plaque - The Ride)
- 饰牌《过早》 + (Plaque - Too Early)
- 饰牌《安宁》 + (Plaque - Tranquil)
- 饰牌《珍爱》 + (Plaque - True Love)
- 饰牌《独一》 + (Plaque - Uniqueness)
- 饰牌《温暖》 + (Plaque - Warmth)
- 饰牌《整日》 + (Plaque - Whole Day)
- 毛绒地毯 + (Plush Carpet)
- 毛绒地毯(白) + (Plush Carpet (White))
- 便携™计算器 + (Portable Calculator)
- 便携野餐炉 + (Portable Picnic Stove)
- 快捷便利贴 + (Post-It Note)
- 阔叶盆栽 + (Potted Broadleaf Plant)
- 针叶盆栽 + (Potted Conifer Plant)
- 长叶盆栽 + (Potted Long-Leaf Plant)
- 厚叶盆栽 + (Potted Succulent Plant)
- 盆栽绿植 + (Potted Tree)
- 尖锐的观赏植物 + (Prickly Ornamental Plant)
- 整洁服务台 + (Pristine Service Counter)
- 防化防毒服 + (Protective Clothing)
- 木浆壁纸 + (Pulp Wallpaper)
- 黄铁之旗 + (Pyrite Pennant)
- 懒人沙发兔 + (Rabbit-like Bean Bag Sofa)
- 原木墙贴 + (Real Wooden Accent Wall)
- 四方长板凳 + (Rectangular Bench)
- 红绸装饰灯 + (Red Silken Decorative Lamp)
- 红色杂物柜 + (Red Sundries Shelves)
- 红砖咖啡馆吧台 + (Red-Brick Cafe Bar)
- 红砖色储物柜 + (Red-Brown Cabinet)
- 红框落地镜 + (Red-Framed Floor Mirror)
- 冷藏售货机 + (Refrigerated Vending Machine)
- 排练室配件挂板 + (Rehearsal Room Accessory Shelf)
- 排练室背带挂板 + (Rehearsal Room Belt Shelf)
- 排练室长凳 + (Rehearsal Room Bench)
- 排练室遮灰帘 + (Rehearsal Room Dust Curtain)
- 排练室专用地毯 + (Rehearsal Room Exclusive Carpet)
- 排练室隔断墙 + (Rehearsal Room Partition Wall)
- 排练室接待台 + (Rehearsal Room Reception Desk)