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有值为“A ceiling fan found from the warehouse. It still runs well.”的“描述en”属性的所有页面的列表。由于结果过少,也显示邻近值的结果。


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  • 展出标本资料板  + (A board full of data. They accurately describe the exhibits in the room with complex terminology. You will not understand them without checking the meanings of the words.)
  • 炖锅台  + (A boiling station commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. And so when that lid was lifted…! If you want to hear more, you'll have to wait until next time.)
  • 观赏盆栽  + (A bonsai tree planted in a celadon vase. The tree's emerald leaves and thick boughs ward off evil, while the white jade pottery holds in good fortune.)
  • 近卫局通配书柜  + (A bookcase distributed by the L.G.D. Upon it are trophies, “The Complete Collection of Sherlock Holmes,” a Blue Heart Medal, and so on. Ch'en must have stuffed whatever she could here without thinking.)
  • 橘色棋盘式书柜  + (A bookcase that looks like an orange checkerboard.)
  • 龙门早茶推车  + (A breakfast cart commonly seen in Lungmen. The Lungmen specialties on it are popular among the L.G.D.)
  • 休息室布告板  + (A brightly colored noticeboard. Every mercenary knows how to adapt to changes, but it's always good to have a general game plan.)
  • 原木沙发高架床  + (A bunk bed with a futon under it. Often comes paired with cushions and dolls)
  • 夏日小船柜  + (A cabinet modified from a small boat. Full of tropical decorations that few could recognize.)
  • 红砖色储物柜  + (A cabinet of the same color as the bar. Generally, it's used to store raw materials, but the cafe owner's private collection is also in it.)
  • 啤酒储藏柜  + (A cabinet that houses the restaurant's signature beverages. These crowd-pleasing favorites glow with a soft golden light.)
  • 原木置物柜  + (A cabinet with great storage space, unless you’re a vertically challenged Operator.)
  • 训练日历  + (A calendar for recording training results and competition dates. Several pages full of red checkmarks have been torn away.)
  • 小型公告板  + (A callboard that may be useful sometimes.)
  • 吸顶蜡烛吊灯  + (A candle-lit ballroom chandelier. Even with newer energy sources available, some traditions simply refuse to die.)
  • 提篮灯  + (A candle-lit lantern. Its shadow twitches to the candlelight's flicker, as another year has come and pass.)
  • 高脚烛灯  + (A candlelight commonly found in Yen households. Bright and luminous, symbolizing a family's harmony.)
  • 一个纸箱  + (A cardboard box, perhaps used to pack something.)
  • 红呢织毯  + (A carpet commonly found in Yen househounds. Travel broadens yours horizons, but there is no better place to be than home when it comes time to celebrate.)
  • 食坊地毯  + (A carpet commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Even when we say goodbye, we will surely meet again in the future.)
  • 黑色绒毛地毯  + (A carpet influenced by Lungmen designs. Most people can't tell the difference between solid-color carpets, but sophisticated Lungmen civilians understand at a glance.)
  • 白色纤维地毯  + (A carpet that is hard to keep clean.)
  • 排练室专用地毯  + (A carpet used in the rehearsal room. It attracts dust easily and requires frequent cleaning.)
  • 毛绒地毯  + (A carpet woven by machine. It was strongly opposed by designers.)
  • Bilibili地毯  + (A carpet woven with a cute mascot. It feels soft and delicate, which makes people want to roll on it. But in fact, the manufacturer has no interest in the carpet industry.)
  • 复古吊扇  + (A ceiling fan found from the warehouse. It still runs well.)
  • 披萨店用柔光吊灯  + (A ceiling light commonly used by the pizzeria. The soft brightness combined with the simple style makes diners feel relaxed.)
  • 近卫局日光灯  + (A ceiling light commonly used in the L.G.D. The police officers often complain that it's too bright in the office.)
  • 萨卡兹制柔光吊灯  + (A ceiling light designed by Shining. The diffuse light has nothing to do with its design.)
  • 复古吊灯  + (A ceiling light found from the warehouse. It fits the room unexpectedly well.)
  • 近卫局用聚焦灯  + (A ceiling light with powerful light. It's obviously not used for everyday lighting.)
  • 吧台吊顶  + (A ceiling that matches the bar. Its warm lighting makes people feel at home.)
  • 黑漆白头大提琴  + (A cello hand-crafted by a Leithanien luthier. A truly excellent cello can conquer the musician the instant the bow touches the strings.)
  • 披萨店用瓷砖地板  + (A ceramic floor commonly used by the pizzeria. Any crumbs or debris that fall onto the floor will be immediately visible.)
  • 伴琴椅  + (A chair for cello players. An effective chair can greatly prolong the career of a musician and make them suffer less from chronic pain - or so the advertisement says.)
  • 休息室吊灯  + (A chandelier in the mercenary lounge. All details can be used to either complete the contract - or be shared.)
  • 七城式暖光吊灯  + (A chandelier style commonly seen in the Seven Cities area. "Warm lighting can pique the appetite," seems to be a saying all across the world.)
  • 披萨店用黑色收银台  + (A checkout counter commonly used by the pizzeria. It’s not good to dine and dash.)
  • 清洁器  + (A cleaner with a spray nozzle. Scout used to graffiti the walls with this, since water would leave no trace.)
  • 安全舱导气管  + (A cleanroom air duct. All air entering the room has to be finely processed.)
  • 安全舱控气管  + (A cleanroom airflow control pipe. It is responsible for controlling the circulation of air.)
  • 武器收纳柜  + (A closet filled with weapons. The weapons are waiting for calibration, Logos is waiting for spare parts, and Whitesmith is waiting for raw materials. All the waiting is meaningless now.)
  • 企鹅线索收集板  + (A clue board for the Penguin Logistics safehouse. Contains some information regarding transport routes and mission targets, and a larger number of inside jokes.)
  • 筐形矮茶几  + (A coffee table that looks like a reverse bamboo basket. It can be used for storage if turned over… assuming you’re strong enough to turn it over.)
  • 藤蔓立柱  + (A column tangled with vines that grew without control.)
  • 接合立柱  + (A column with a strange look. Its shape still seems to be changing slowly.)
  • 白色加长沙发  + (A comfortable, extra-long sofa. The use of colors that directly clash with that of the instruments inadvertently distinguishes the musicians from the audience.)
  • 汐斯塔船舵地毯  + (A common carpet used in Siestan home design. The ship’s helm has become the favorite motif among Siesta’s citizens out of their respect for helmsmen.)
  • 汐斯塔特制门垫  + (A common doormat used in Siestan home design. Absorbent, moisture-proof, and easy to clean.)
  • 组合滚轮靠背椅  + (A common four-wheel chair. Sit on it and you can move quickly to any place of the cabin.)
  • 七城式花纹地板  + (A commonly used floor style from the Seven Cities? The natives might disagree with that.)