- 便携™计算器 + (A device used to make all sorts of calculations.)
- 披萨店靠背单椅(右) + (A dining chair commonly used by the pizzeria. They also have stuffed crust here.)
- 披萨店用靠背单椅 + (A dining chair commonly used by the pizzeria. They also have deep dish here.)
- 披萨店靠背单椅(左) + (A dining chair commonly used by the pizzeria. They have thin crust here.)
- 成对咖啡椅(左) + (A dining chair commonly used in a Colombian cafe. People who sit on this chair often pick up the tab.)
- 成对咖啡椅(右) + (A dining chair commonly used in a Colombian cafe. People who sit on this chair often foot the bill.)
- 食坊餐桌 + (A dining table commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Your hometown may be thousands of miles away, but a taste of home is right here in your bowl.)
- 披萨店用活动餐桌 + (A dining table commonly used by the pizzeria. It can serve several people at the same time.)
- 饰牌《骑行》 + (A dirt road leads into the distance.)
- 控制显示器 + (A display connected to the experimental equipment. You can conduct remote experiments if you couple it to the console, letting you switch to cameras in the common areas with a single click.)
- 月夜全景显示屏 + (A display panel showcasing the full moon. Stay after moonrise tonight, for the heavenly body is a sight to be marveled at.)
- 战利品陈列架 + (A display rack full of Sankta guns. Some Sarkazians have a habit of showing off their spoils of war to their clansmen.)
- 都市晚夜全景显示屏 + (A display showing the night view overlooking Leithania. The window frame portion cannot be removed, and the panoramic projection of the night scenery makes it difficult to tell where you are.)
- 安全间隔门 + (A door commissioned for the Penguin Logistics safehouse. The PL members seem to not have a very good relationship with this door.)
- 防弹玻璃隔板 + (A door sealed with military-grade bulletproof glass, with a communal guitar between the partition. Even if you plan to have a heart-to-heart, keeping your distance is still a necessary safety measure.)
- 双层吸顶蜡烛吊灯 + (A double-decker ballroom chandelier. Twice the lighting, same old price!)
- 近卫局特制正桩 + (A dummy for combat training. A martial artist must never slack on her training.)
- 舱室组合双层床 + (A facility that provides places for two Operators to sleep. Operator who sleeps at the top, please sleep against the wall.)
- “向日葵与美” + (A famous painting of Leithania, though this particular one is a reproduction. True beauty lies in the imagination.)
- “光辉的时代” + (A famous work of a Colombian artist, it has been copied massively. Construction and union bring strength.)
- 喀兰地区壁炉工具套装 + (A fireplace tool set commonly used by Kjerag people. It will be a warm winter.)
- 大理石地砖 + (A floor commonly used in a Colombian cafe. It took a long time to lay the tiles, so hopefully it is popular with everyone.)
- 棕色地砖 + (A floor influenced by Lungmen designs. There are many kinds of tiles, but the first choice of Lungmen civilians is always this one.)
- 舱室用地砖 + (A floor laid with the latest materials. The manufacturer claims that it has a stronger self-cleaning capability than the human body does.)
- 褐色大理石地砖 + (A floor made of expensive marble. The grandeur of the past is reborn anew.)
- 铜色地板 + (A floor reflecting a little bit of light. It won't get dirty easily and is convenient to clean up.)
- 日光灯吊顶 + (A flourescent ceiling light fixture purchased by Exusiai. It can be freely connected with other light fixtures, until one day…)
- 美食保温柜 + (A food display counter that houses the store's signature foods. You can still hear the sizzling of the food within.)
- 加长脚凳 + (A footstool for resting your feet. Raises your poems and songs to a whole new level along with your feet.)
- 四柱床 + (A four-poster bed unique to Leithania. Incense burners can be placed upon it during ceremonies, or just for aromatherapy.)
- 装裱字画 + (A framed calligraphy artwork. Even a few strokes scrawled on the spur of the moment can be a display for the ages.)
- 黑金冰柜 + (A freezer as solid as a vault. Food from all over the world would be honored to be stored within it.)
- 安全舱消毒间 + (A fully-sealed disinfecting room. Removing any dust or fluids from the surface of your body is of utmost priority.)
- 通道上的谜之扭蛋机 + (A gashapon machine in the charge of Orchid. The toys in it are handmade by Spot, and they are Catapult and Popukar's favorite. Midnight ends up paying the bill.)
- 砖砌燃木壁炉 + (A gently burning fireplace with bright flames. The story she likes never ends.)
- 兰赛拉尔魔镜 + (A glittering golden mirror that reflects nothing.)
- 灰色纤维地毯 + (A gray carpet that seldom gets dirty.)
- 绿色发电机 + (A green dynamo that uses Originium to generate electrical power.)
- 尖锐的观赏植物 + (A green plant that makes for excellent ornamentation. Due to the sharp leaves that can prick anyone who touches it, this potted plant has survived both sticky and slippery fingers alike.)
- 原木靠背椅(左) + (A handmade dining chair. Cushion not included.)
- 原木靠背椅(右) + (A handmade dining chair. Cushion still not included.)
- 罗德岛夏日挂历 + (A hanging calendar brought by convalescing Operators. Some will only flip their calendar pages on days of the most important occasions.)
- 宝塔灯 + (A hanging light shaped like a pagoda. The view of these lamps alit can jubilate masses from far and wide.)
- 防化防毒套装 + (A hazmat suit. The best way to protect yourself from environmental hazards is to isolate yourself.)
- 防化防毒服 + (A hazmat suit. Watch your step.)
- 六角宫灯 + (A hexagonal lantern commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Formerly hung up in a temple, it now adorns the area high above the door.)
- 披萨店用高脚凳 + (A high stool matching the bar. You can rotate it, but please don't play with it.)
- 冷鲜食品柜 + (A hot foods cabinet used in a Healthy Diner. "Everything prepared fresh this morning.")
- 摩登酒店沙发 + (A hotel sofa made by a craftsman that came with a small coffee table. Just lying on it will take you to cloud nine.)
- 冰爽果汁机 + (A juice dispensary used in a Healthy Diner. "Hibiscus gave me a satchel of powder and told me to mix it all in for good health.")