- “浮木” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Firewatch. Too many answers are gone with the wind.)
- “乌云” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Liskarm. Say goodbye to all formalities. That's how Rock ‘n' Roll should be.)
- “麦香” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Mousse. The wooden body gives off a mild fragrance as the strings sing a gentle melody.)
- “白桦” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Platinum. Though she is used to playing for herself, there are times when she plays for a special audience.)
- “舞台” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Summer. Strum the string like a storm as blood and sweat drip onto the floor.)
- “琥珀” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Swire. What is life but the pursuit of one’s interests?)
- “烈火” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Vigna. She puts all her passion and desire into her performance.)
- 食坊壁纸 + (Festive wallpaper commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Between these lively walls, good fortune swirls and congregates.)
- 快捷便利贴 + (Filled with reminder notes and to-do lists.)
- 夏日实木地板 + (Floor made from authentic, local Siesta wood. Or so the manual says. Keep away from moisture.)
- 食坊地砖 + (Floor tiles commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Thousands of travelers come and go, leaving behind memories of joy and good fortune.)
- 骑士贵族地砖 + (Floor tiles commonly used by knights and nobility. Zofia doesn't mull over the details, and just lets her designers do their job unattended.)
- 工作间地板 + (Floorboards made for workstation use. Outcast used to always stand guard outside the office with her weapon drawn, saying that even at her age, she'd shine just as brightly as when she was younger. Nobody who saw her could deny it.)
- 莱塔尼亚原木地板 + (Floorboards made from local Leithanien lumber. Fine arts, music, and Originium Arts are the immutable gems of Leithania.)
- 人事办公室地板 + (Flooring commonly used throughout Rhodes Island. A naïve operator might follow the yellow road and bump into something not too far away.)
- 兰赛拉尔原木地板 + (Flooring made from local materials. Don't worry about the cost - what matters is the quality of the end product!)
- 安全舱日光灯 + (Fluorescent lights that were damaged in an emergency. Don't worry, the engineering staff will arrive shortly.)
- 冲浪达人的板架 + (Four champions' surfboards are neatly placed on the stand. Aegerian Operators will never understand the purpose of this.)
- 黑色纤维地毯 + (Furniture that should never have appeared in the cabin. But still it was put there after vocal support from Operators.)
- 待运货物 + (Goods ready for shipment. Only allowed to be opened face-to-face with express permission of the recipient. That air-headed idol seemed to have left her water cup on top after her morning exercises, so let's move that out of the way and get to work.)
- 厚重窗帘(右) + (Heavy curtains that can block the light. When pulled down, they ensure that your privacy remains undisturbed.)
- 厚重窗帘(左) + (Heavy curtains thick enough to have a sound-cancellation effect. When pulled back, the city at night is fully visible beneath you.)
- 工位指示板 + (Horizontal panel representing the offices of the personnel in the office. The design expert in the HR Department came up with an ingenious solution, but it's a pity that nobody ever reads it.)
- 未知生物标本集 + (Incomprehensible specimens whose structures seem difficult to describe.)
- 货物垫板 + (It can keep the air mattress clean.)
- 异样寝床 + (It's almost impossible for you to take your eyes off the strange design of this stone tablet. "Open your two eyes, and see the world change before you.)
- 格拉斯哥帮喷漆 + (Londinium used to be covered with this distinctive Glasgow-style graffiti.)
- 低矮储物柜 + (Low storage cabinets that can hold a lot of personal belongings. Each drawer is locked to preserve the secrecy of its contents.)
- 六烛大吊灯 + (Luxurious chandeliers capable of illuminating the entire room. This complex Leithanien furniture requires specific gestures or voice activation.)
- 黑色办公地毯 + (Mass-produced black carpets found just about everywhere in Rhodes Island. According to our data, 80% of carpet cleaning causes are related to beverage spills (not including damage).)
- 圆盘吊顶 + (Miniature imitations of expensive ceiling lights. Rosa said that this was a miniature version of the same fixtures used in the lobby of her house. As for how miniature, she did not say.)
- 预备干员激励海报 + (Motivational posters in the training room. Give it to friends who are still on the fence about joining Rhodes Island, come on!)
- 物资箱 + (Neatly stacked supply crates that can double as storage cabinets. The boxes containing sensitive documents could only be opened using Ace's and Outcast's keys, but both keys have long been destroyed, leaving no trace.)
- 瓷色床头柜 + (Nightstand - black, geometric.)
- 兽毛绒毯 + (Nobody knows what kind of animal fur was used to make this carpet. Some mercenaries are adept at setting traps in the most common places to extremely deadly effect.)
- 高功率落地灯 + (Nobody knows where Croissant got this floor lamp. Rumors have it that it is actually an irradiation weapon capable of causing living organisms to explode. Also sometimes used for photography lighting.)
- 饰牌《幻梦》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Dancing Flames.”)
- 饰牌《魔咒》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Free Will is a Myth.”)
- 饰牌《破壳》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “From beginning to end.”)
- 饰牌《诺言》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Like a Riddle.”)
- 饰牌《泡沫》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Lose everything.”)
- 饰牌《光芒》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Nowhere to return to.”)
- 饰牌《斧子》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Sink into the deeps.”)
- 饰牌《美人》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Smoke and Mirrors.”)
- 饰牌《酬劳》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Taken for Granted.”)
- 饰牌《食物》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “The Cycle Repeats.”)
- 饰牌《幻象》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “The clock is ticking.”)
- 饰牌《独一》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “Trinity.”)
- 饰牌《童年》 + (Nobody knows where this plaque came from. “What’s gone is gone.”)
- 黑色简拼办公桌 + (Office desk - black, curved.)