- 褐色懒人沙发(右) + (Brown Bean Bag Sofa (Right))
- 褐色跃格书架 + (Brown Bookshelf)
- 棕色地砖 + (Brown Floor)
- 棕皮麻将椅(左) + (Brown Mahjong Chair (Left))
- 棕皮麻将椅(右) + (Brown Mahjong Chair (Right))
- 褐色大理石地砖 + (Brown Marble Floor)
- 嵌壁资料柜 + (Built-In File Cabinet)
- 防弹玻璃隔板 + (Bulletproof Glass Door)
- 舱室组合双层床 + (Bunk Bed In Cabin)
- 舱室灭火套组 + (Cabin Fire Extinguisher Kit)
- 舱室用地砖 + (Cabin Floor)
- 舱室嵌顶构件 + (Cabin Flush Mount Pipe)
- 吸顶蜡烛吊灯 + (Candle Chandelier)
- 蜡烛展示炉 + (Candlelit Hearth)
- 货运推车 + (Cargo Trolley)
- 一个纸箱 + (Carton)
- 纸箱小凳 + (Carton Stool)
- 木雕屏风 + (Carved Wooden Partition)
- 铸蜜坩埚 + (Cauldron of Sweets)
- 圆盘吊顶 + (Ceiling Disk Light)
- 泛光吊顶 + (Ceiling Floodlights)
- 萨卡兹制柔光吊灯 + (Ceiling Light Made By Sarkaz)
- 吸顶灯 + (Ceiling-Mounted Lights)
- 刻俄柏的武器架 + (Ceobe's Weapon Rack)
- 陈的荣誉状 + (Ch'en's Certificate of Honor)
- 陈的办公桌 + (Ch'en's Desk)
- 陈的武器架 + (Ch'en's Weapon Rack)
- 纯色棋盘式书柜 + (Checkerboard Bookcase)
- 分隔线地毯 + (Checkered Carpet)
- 防化装甲板 + (Chemical-Resistant Deck)
- 古典陈列柜 + (Classic Showcase)
- 安全舱导气管 + (Cleanroom Airduct)
- 安全舱控气管 + (Cleanroom Airflow Control Pipe)
- 安全舱消毒灯 + (Cleanroom Antimicrobial Lamp)
- 安全舱吸顶灯 + (Cleanroom Ceiling Light)
- 安全舱消毒间 + (Cleanroom Disinfecting Quarters)
- 安全舱日光灯 + (Cleanroom Fluorescent Lamp)
- 舱顶隔离布 + (Cleanroom Isolation Cloth)
- 安全舱工程车 + (Cleanroom Lorry)
- 安全舱物资箱 + (Cleanroom Materials Box)
- 安全舱隔墙 + (Cleanroom Partition)
- 舱室管道阀门 + (Cleanroom Pipe Valve)
- 清洁器 + (Cleanser)
- 社团看板 + (Club Poster)
- 珍藏饮料桶 + (Collectible Beverage Dispenser)
- 哥伦比亚街景照 + (Colombian Street View Photo)
- 松软沙发 + (Comfortable Sofa)
- 周年庆典床榻 + (Commemorative Anniversary Bed)
- 周年庆典地毯 + (Commemorative Anniversary Carpet)
- 周年庆典壁灯 + (Commemorative Anniversary Wall Lamp)