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有值为“A square orange nightstand.”的“描述en”属性的所有页面的列表。由于结果过少,也显示邻近值的结果。


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  • 橘色简拼办公桌  + (A simple orange desk without drawer.)
  • 简易打印机  + (A simple printer that can print documents.)
  • 夏日收藏柜  + (A simple wooden double shelf with two stools. The shelf is full of summer memories, bringing you back to those festive days.)
  • 工作台  + (A simple workbench, with some experiment supplies strewn across it messily. Mechanist's workbench also doubles as his bed. He once said that sleep and death are one and the same.)
  • 挂式置物架  + (A simple, easily assembled and disassembled rack. There are always people who like to test the load-bearing limits of these things, "forcing" them to be replaced regularly.)
  • 靠垫摇椅  + (A slowly rocking chaise lounge. The traditional aesthetics will eventually yield to industry.)
  • 玉石吊灯(小)  + (A small jade ceiling light. Cheap and affordable. Never lights up a place enough.)
  • “大黑”的新家  + (A small pet house that Vanilla prepared for the Originium slug, Kuro. After going through a lot of bureaucratic red tape, Vanilla finally got permission to raise the slug, so now Kuro can have a home!)
  • 休息室小壁灯  + (A small wall lamp in the mercenary lounge. Remove the lamp and rotate the bulb three times to the right to use it as a makeshift grenade.)
  • 兰赛拉尔小方毯  + (A small, rectangular rug, perfect for wiping your feet.)
  • 原木地板  + (A smooth log floor. When you stand barefoot upon it, you can almost hear the whispers of the mountains.)
  • 橘色直角茶几  + (A smooth orange coffee table.)
  • 单人沙发(白)  + (A sofa, milk-white sofa. Just the perfect size for a worrywart knight to sit down and relax their mind.)
  • 松软沙发  + (A soft and comfy sofa for the Penguin Logistics safehouse. Exusiai is known to sometimes random fall asleep upon it while cleaning her weapon.)
  • 加长沙发(白)  + (A soft, milk-white sofa of extended length. Just the perfect size for an exhausted knight to lie down and get some rest.)
  • 排练室吸音壁纸  + (A soundproof wallpaper used in the rehearsal room. Its latest soundproofing material can keep the shouting of a few Feline Operators within the room.)
  • 叠叠高™  + (A source of entertainment for many Operators, particularly in the moment when everything falls apart spectacularly. This game is said to have helped reveal parts of many an Operator’s past.)
  • 周年庆典地毯  + (A special carpet made to commemorate the First Anniversary of Arknights. Printed with a familiar rabbit motif, it was gifted to the Doctor by the residents of Rhodes Island.)
  • 酒店万用吧台  + (A special hotel bar designed for Rhodes Island. For the Colombians of the modern era, alcohol is dangerous and extravagant.)
  • 周年庆典壁灯  + (A special wall lamp made to commemorate the First Anniversary of Arknights. This peculiarly-installed wall lamp was a way for the Rhodes Island combat operators to express their thanks towards the Doctor.)
  • 龙门新印象壁纸  + (A special wallpaper celebrating the New Year in Lungmen. It blends more familiar aspects of Lungmen with avant-garde art.)
  • 组合工作台  + (A special workbench designed for the cabin. Equipped with various office appliances, it provides all kinds of support at work for Operators.)
  • 聚光灯吊顶  + (A spotlight ceiling that imitates the stage lighting. Please don't stay under the spotlight for too long.)
  • 健康聚光灯  + (A spotlight used in a Healthy Diner. "Research shows that proper lighting can promote a healthy appetite.")
  • 内嵌方顶灯  + (A square ceiling light. The lighting is soft and looks better if there is also a rectangle ceiling light.)
  • 雅尔玛汗™架子鼓  + (A standard Yarmahan Drum Set with user manual. "You can only become better through performance. ")
  • 酒水台高脚凳  + (A standard barstool of the Modern Hotel designed for Rhodes Island. You will find fun here no matter how many of you there are.)
  • 摩登酒店地毯  + (A standard carpet of the Modern Hotel. The lines form arrows that point to all directions, just like the expanding Colombia back then.)
  • 健康吸顶灯  + (A standard ceiling light found in a Healthy Diner. "I dunno what it's called, just buy the cheapest one in the aisle.")
  • 摩登酒店茶几  + (A standard coffee table of the Modern Hotel with wine and glasses on it. Wine can only numb you, but who cares?)
  • 摩登酒店落地灯  + (A standard floor lamp of the Modern Hotel. The brightness is slightly insufficient, but the ambience it creates is perfect.)
  • 摩登酒店吊灯  + (A standard glass ceiling light of the Modern Hotel. It's gorgeous and bright, and makes people look forward to the future.)
  • 摩登酒店壁灯  + (A standard wall light of the Modern Hotel. Turn it on to illuminate the future people dream about.)
  • 摩登酒店壁纸  + (A standard wallpaper of the Modern Hotel. The simple patterns and expensive materials show the superb technique and outstanding quality.)
  • 标配办公椅  + (A standard-issue Rhodes Island office chair. Put your head down gently as you fade in and out of consciousness, and the day will soon be over.)
  • 近卫局石砖地板  + (A stone floor commonly used in the L.G.D. Occasionally it's scrubbed clean.)
  • 锁夜石窗  + (A stone window with planks haphazardly nailed across it. "Seal off a window, and twilight seeps through its gaps.")
  • 钢琴黑复古凳  + (A stool influenced by Lungmen designs. Brokers usually sit here.)
  • 纸箱小凳  + (A stool made of cartons. It would creak if someone sits on it.)
  • 褐色懒人沙发(右)  + (A strange but popular sofa. It seems new. Someone must have tried hard to restore it.)
  • 褐色懒人沙发(左)  + (A strange but popular sofa. The last occupant has just left, leaving a big dent on it.)
  • 社团布告板  + (A student club notice board to be hung on the wall. Most of the stuff that people can see is pretty meaningless.)
  • 炎式厅堂壁纸  + (A style of wallpaper used during Yen festivities. Its vermillion patterns rejuvenates drab walls, as lanterns light up the moon up above.)
  • 乌萨斯式风味蜜饮  + (A sweet and refreshing honey drink that keeps Leto in a good mood. Drink deeply and seek solace in sweet chaos.)
  • 舱室管道阀门  + (A switch used to modulate the chamber pressure. The main console is located outside of the cabin.)
  • 白色桌游矮桌  + (A table used by Operators to play various games. Pick up the entire stack!)
  • 大理石高台  + (A table with an assortment of odds and ends on top: things that haven't been mailed, haven't been read, or haven't been completed.)
  • 健康餐桌  + (A table with seats for two but food for just one. "No, just one is fine. I'm good, seriously.")
  • 褐色跃格书架  + (A tall bookshelf filled with many interesting reads. Take your pick, and have a seat.)
  • 补给资源罐  + (A tank containing necessary resources such as disinfectant and neutralizing agents. For use only during emergencies.)