- 萨卡兹台球桌 + (An ordinary billiards table, but the tabletop has been replaced with colors preferred by Sarkazians. Work leisurely, and play dutifully.)
- 观赏植物 + (An ornamental plant commonly seen throughout Lungmen. The plant resembles a pagoda, its canopy spreading out from the middle.)
- 披萨烤炉 + (An oven necessary for the pizzeria. The aroma of pizza permeates the room.)
- 近卫局荧光灯 + (Another ceiling light commonly used in the L.G.D. Suspects sometimes want to complain the light is too bright, but they dare not say it.)
- 价目表(汤圆馆) + (Another menu commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. The food and the tea keep coming out, and the aroma never ceases either.)
- 题字吊顶(汤圆馆) + (Another sign commonly found hanging overhead in the food courts of Lungmen. Black sesame dumplings are sticky, sweet, and best served piping hot.)
- 舱室灭火套组 + (As a research facility, things will inevitably go up in flames every now and then. This handy fire extinguisher kit keeps you prepared.)
- 纯色棋盘式书柜 + (Bookcase - monochromatic, geometric.)
- 舱顶隔离布 + (Brand new insulation for the roof of the cleanroom. It has not been used very long.)
- 泛光吊顶 + (Built in ceiling floodlights. Since Ace left, only Logos's lamp still remains lit at midnight.)
- 兰城卫兵半身像 + (Bust of a Reimselar guard. They're a dime a dozen.)
- 吸顶灯 + (Ceiling lights commonly found throughout Lungmen neighborhoods.)
- 乌萨斯社团地砖 + (Ceramic floor tiles used in the clubroom. One floor tile evokes a series of nightmares.)
- 陈的荣誉状 + (Ch'en's medals and awards have been put into the frames of various sizes. They were hung up on the wall at the request of Ch'en's colleagues, but she was not a fan of this idea.)
- 陈的武器架 + (Ch'en's weapon shelf. The soldiers of the L.G.D. have not slacked for even a second.)
- 仙人掌盆栽 + (Ch’en's preferred plant. Actually, the reason why Ch'en likes cacti is because she often forgets to water her plants.)
- 纯色直角茶几 + (Coffee table - Solid-color, one-piece.)
- 黑色简拼桌柜 + (Corner cabinet - black, geometric.)
- 原木墙贴 + (Decorate wall laminate to be placed on the wall behind the front desk. After all, the soul of the Seven Cities resides in its wood.)
- 健康地砖 + (Dirt-resistant floor tiles used in a Healthy Diner. "Look, just give it a wipe and it's as good as new!")
- 悬挂式滚动显示屏 + (Display used by the receptionist. Opening hours, appointment, sales, anything can be showed here.)
- 安全舱吸顶灯 + (Don't turn off this light. Light is safety.)
- 用餐区隔门 + (Doors for separating areas in a Healthy Diner. "This is a great way to control the flow of customers! You really are a genius!")
- 瓷色大床 + (Double bed - black, simple.)
- 积岁砖石 + (Dusty stone bricks. "You are faltering under the immense pressure, just like these bricks.")
- “浅海” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Blue Poison. The enchanting blue will stop your heart, just like venom.)
- “墨钢” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Courier. Don't be fooled by its appearance.)
- “磨砂” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Dobermann. She never put down this instrument, even after she picked up her weapon.)
- “浮木” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Firewatch. Too many answers are gone with the wind.)
- “乌云” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Liskarm. Say goodbye to all formalities. That's how Rock ‘n' Roll should be.)
- “麦香” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Mousse. The wooden body gives off a mild fragrance as the strings sing a gentle melody.)
- “白桦” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Platinum. Though she is used to playing for herself, there are times when she plays for a special audience.)
- “舞台” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Summer. Strum the string like a storm as blood and sweat drip onto the floor.)
- “琥珀” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Swire. What is life but the pursuit of one’s interests?)
- “烈火” + (Exclusive guitar for Operator Vigna. She puts all her passion and desire into her performance.)
- 食坊壁纸 + (Festive wallpaper commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Between these lively walls, good fortune swirls and congregates.)
- 快捷便利贴 + (Filled with reminder notes and to-do lists.)
- 夏日实木地板 + (Floor made from authentic, local Siesta wood. Or so the manual says. Keep away from moisture.)
- 食坊地砖 + (Floor tiles commonly found in the food courts of Lungmen. Thousands of travelers come and go, leaving behind memories of joy and good fortune.)
- 骑士贵族地砖 + (Floor tiles commonly used by knights and nobility. Zofia doesn't mull over the details, and just lets her designers do their job unattended.)
- 工作间地板 + (Floorboards made for workstation use. Outcast used to always stand guard outside the office with her weapon drawn, saying that even at her age, she'd shine just as brightly as when she was younger. Nobody who saw her could deny it.)
- 莱塔尼亚原木地板 + (Floorboards made from local Leithanien lumber. Fine arts, music, and Originium Arts are the immutable gems of Leithania.)
- 人事办公室地板 + (Flooring commonly used throughout Rhodes Island. A naïve operator might follow the yellow road and bump into something not too far away.)
- 兰赛拉尔原木地板 + (Flooring made from local materials. Don't worry about the cost - what matters is the quality of the end product!)
- 安全舱日光灯 + (Fluorescent lights that were damaged in an emergency. Don't worry, the engineering staff will arrive shortly.)
- 冲浪达人的板架 + (Four champions' surfboards are neatly placed on the stand. Aegerian Operators will never understand the purpose of this.)
- 黑色纤维地毯 + (Furniture that should never have appeared in the cabin. But still it was put there after vocal support from Operators.)
- 待运货物 + (Goods ready for shipment. Only allowed to be opened face-to-face with express permission of the recipient. That air-headed idol seemed to have left her water cup on top after her morning exercises, so let's move that out of the way and get to work.)
- 厚重窗帘(右) + (Heavy curtains that can block the light. When pulled down, they ensure that your privacy remains undisturbed.)
- 厚重窗帘(左) + (Heavy curtains thick enough to have a sound-cancellation effect. When pulled back, the city at night is fully visible beneath you.)