- 护盾遥控器 + (Remote Shield Controller)
- 资源规划站 + (Resource Planning Station)
- 激励剂 + (Restanding Potion)
- 道路障碍物 + (Roads Obstacles)
- 香甜烤果子 + (Roast Berry)
- 岩锤 + (Rock Stratum Hammer)
- 稀有·岩锤 + (Rock Stratum Hammer)
- 土石结构 + (Rockfill Construct)
- 皇家科学院望远镜 + (Royal Academy Telescope)
- 碎石 + (Rubble)
- 雪雉的安全起重机 + (Safety Harness)
- 沙尘暴 + (Sand Storm)
- 沥血王座 + (Sanguine Throne)
- 木材采集站·采购 + (Sawing Harvester Hub)
- 景观喷泉 + (Scenery Geyser)
- 监视哨站 + (Scout Tower)
- 圣卫坚盾 + (Scutum)
- 子代 + (Seaborn's Filial Generation)
- 丹田 + (Sealed Floor)
- 封印的地面 + (Sealed Floor)
- 溟痕 + (Sealed Floor)
- 老练猎手 + (Seasoned Hunter)
- 保全人才合作协议 + (Security Forces Cooperation Agreement)
- 行动套装 + (Set of Operation)
- 破旧的木篱 + (Shabby Fence)
- 盾与墙 + (Shield and Wall)
- 调谐节点 + (Sigil of Concord)
- 积雪银凇(装置) + (Silvernwhite Bulwark)
- 天桩(装置) + (Sky Pole)
- 智能空域控制机 + (Smart Airspace Controller)
- 烟雾发射台 + (Smoke Launcher)
- 声波记录扩音器 + (Sound Recording Amplifier)
- 备用木材 + (Spare Timber)
- 幽影门扉 + (Spectral Gate)
- 加速块 + (Speed Up Tile)
- 草香粉 + (Spicy Pollen)
- 稀有·草香粉 + (Spicy Pollen)
- 尖刺宝箱(萨米) + (Spike Treasure Chest)
- 尖刺宝箱(水月) + (Spike Treasure Chest)
- 年代之刺 + (Spines of Age)
- 啸叫音响 + (Squeaking Sound)
- 自走车出发点 + (Starting Point)
- 尖端研究成果共享终端 + (State-of-the-art Findings Distribution Terminal)
- 奇异矿脉 + (Strange Ore Vein)
- 街头应急储备 + (Street Emergency Supplies)
- 战术装备整理箱 + (Tactical Equipment Sortbox)
- 破碎支柱 + (Tattered Pillar)
- 罗德岛临时雇员 + (Temporary <mark style="background-color:#F9E179;" title="修正过的内容">Employee</mark>'"`UNIQ--ref-00000093-QINU`"'[[分类:对原文有修正的页面]])
- 临时掩护装置 + (Temporary Fortification)
- 巨壳藤蔓(装置) + (Testaceous Vinecreeps)